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We Buy & Sell Industrial Generators

Established 1981



Centennial Water Treatment Generator Maintenance and Load Testing

Colorado Generator Service > Project Profiles >

Wastewater Treatment TankLocation

Centennial, Colorado

Size of Generator

Cummins 150 kW with PCC Control

Customer Communications

Generator annual service and load and megger test.


Used water travels through sewage pipes to wastewater plants. These plants reduce the pollutants in the water to a level nature can handle. The goals are:
  1. Reduce aesthetic pollution
  2. Kill pathogenic microorganisms and remove toxic wastes
  3. Reduce organic matter and remove inorganic matter
After the water is treated, it is either returned to streams, rivers, and oceans or used for irrigation. The facility must maintain power at all times. Emergency generators located in sound attenuated enclosures supply back-up power needs.

Services Provided
Centennial Waste Water Generator Repair
We helped a client that maintains a water treatment plant with generator service, inspection and testing. These services allow the client to stay current with regulations. The following tasks were completed:

Maintenance Services - Perform a complete annual generator service including:
  • 30-point inspection - Defective block heater discovered. Client notified for action
  • Change engine oil
  • Replace engine oil filters
  • Replace fuel filters
  • Inspect air filter
  • Replace coolant filter
  • Inspect and tighten belts
  • Inspect electrical system
  • Inspect engine for coolant and oil leaks
  • Check coolant level and specific gravity
  • Coolant and oil samples taken for analysis
Testing Services - We performed the following generator tests:
  • Megger test alternator windings
  • Conduct a generator load test for four hours
  • Use automated testing function to test generator output circuit breaker
After maintenance and testing services were complete, the generator was returned to automatic operation. Services agreements are available in Colorado and Southern Wyoming to ensure your generator supplies power when needed. Call 720-943-0336 or Contact Us for more information.

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